Resources for Children with Special Needs

There are a variety of resources available for families of children with special needs, including those with chronic health issues or disabilities. The following resources can assist parents in making informed decisions by giving them ideas and options.

Services for Children

Support for Parents

  • Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR) — connects parents to their state’s Parent Training and Information Center (PTI) and Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRC) who work with families of children birth to 26, help parents participate effectively in their child’s education and development, and partner with professionals and policy makers to improve outcomes for all children with disabilities.
  • Early Childhood Technical Assistance (ECTA) – ECTA offers resources for families and child care programs who are seeking support and guidance to ensure the best, most positive incomes possible for children in their lives who have, or are at-risk for, developmental delays or disabilities across a variety of early childhood settings. Spanish guides are available.
  • Navigate Life Texas — resources and support for families raising children with disabilities.
  • Texas Parent to ParentEn Español— provides support and information for families and children with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions, and other health care needs.
  • Understanding Developmental Screening & Early Intervention — resources (including videos) for parents highlighting developmental milestones, developmental screening, and Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) services available to families of young children.

Early Childhood Inclusion

Special Education

Children with Special Health Care Needs